Jeep Grand cherokee | The Dalles, OR 97058 | 1J4GZ88YXPC659994 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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1993  Jeep  Grand Cherokee
VIN: 1J4GZ88YXPC659994

Recent Asking Price: $1,695
Estimated Payment: $28
Last Reported Mileage: 195,416
Exterior Color: White / Wood

Vehicle located in The Dalles, OR 97058
Vehicle Options
Adaptive Variable Suspension,Adjustable Steering Wheel,Air Conditioning,Alarm,Am/Fm Stereo Cd,Anti-Lock Brakes,Auto Headlight On/Off,Captain's Chairs,Cargo Tie Down Hooks,Cassette,Cruise Control,Digital Instrument Panel,Fog Lights,Heated Mirrors,Intermittent Wipers,Leather Interior,Luggage Rack,Map Light,Navigation,Navigation System,Power Door Locks,Power Mirrors,Power Steering,Power Windows,Roll Bar,Split Bench Seat

City MPG: 14
Highway MPG: 18

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